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Writer's pictureHigh Value Woman

New Year, New Beginnings

It's New Year's Eve and 2024 is right around the corner. 2023 was a challenging year and I'm ready to put that behind me and embrace new opportunities and personal growth. In a couple of hours, I'll put on my evening gown and start the celebrations. Until then, I've been reflecting a lot on the specific things I want to do differently this year.

I've been investing in my friendships more. Sometimes it's simply complimenting a friend's jewelry or clothing. I've also been reaching out and scheduling get togethers. I've been trying to ask others more about what is going on in their life. I am acknowledging how my friendships enrich my life. One of my friends offered to hem my gown for tonight and I was so appreciative.

I've been reading more. Daily, I listen to audio books on self help while in the car but I also enjoy reading for pleasure. This got pushed aside so I keep my ipad by my bed to make it easy to read a little before I go to bed. I love historical fiction and memoirs. I have numerous e-books that I haven't read, many free from my Prime subscription. Reading makes me drowsy so this also helps my mind to shut down and be ready for sleep. Yesterday, I curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee and read a book before getting in the shower. It felt like such a luxury and I pushed away the voices in my head that said I was wasting time. I don't have to do something productive all the time - it's okay to relax.

I've been singing more. I am searching for a band so I've gone back to attending open mics and have been invited several times to sit in with bands. If you're not a musician, it's an invite to sing a song or two with a band on a voluntary basis. I also joined an acapella barbershop chorus that performs around town. My hope is that this will lead to paying gigs.

Writing is cathartic for me so I'm doing more of that as well. Today, I started writing a book. It's something that has been started and stopped for 10 years. I decided not to look at my previous writings and just start fresh. At this stage, I just have a general outline and completed the opening remarks. I'd like to devote time each week to it while sitting in a local coffee shop. This also gives me the opportunity to meet more people.

I've gone back to doing something new every week whether it's traveling, going to a new winery or restaurant or hiking a new trail. New experiences bring new perspectives. They are opportunities to meet new people.

I've been focusing more on gratitude. Last night I ran over something in the road and my tire ruptured. At first I was upset about my tire getting damaged since I'm feeling a financial strain right now. After my initial pity party, I decided to be grateful. I was returning home from picking up the dress my friend altered for me. My tire blew close to my home -- not when I was out of town last week -- so I was still able to get the car home and wasn't stranded on the road. I was feeling vulnerable since I don't have a man in my life to change it for me but I do have roadside assistance that paid for the spare to be put on. My tires were going to be replaced in the next couple of weeks anyway due to wear and tear. While I was stressed about the cost, I'm grateful I had access to credit to pay for it. The tire had a chunk missing and split but I didn't lose control of the vehicle so I was not hurt.

I'm focusing on finding ways of making money that fill my cup instead of drain it. At this stage of my life, I would rather be retired but I cannot afford to do that. I've stayed in jobs before that didn't fulfill me because they filled the need to pay my bills. This is no longer enough. Now that I've accepted that I'm a gypsy by nature, I have to find a job that will give me the freedom to live wherever I want. My resume looks like a trainwreck based on social norms, which I'm not one to follow. I need to find a job that gives me a purpose and sense of satisfaction along with daily freedom with my time as well as the ability to work from anywhere. If I feel energized by my job, this will also give me the additional energy I need to replace that income working for myself with my two passions - music and helping survivors of narcissistic abuse. I've decided not to get my Masters Degree and instead get a coaching certification. The certification will give me the end result I desire in a shorter timeframe and at a substantially lower cost.

Most important, I am focused on self care. My mental battery got way too low. I can't give to others if I have nothing to give from. All of my relationships and friendships need to have some sort of give and take on both sides.

I'm not a believer in new year's resolutions, I believe in lifestyle changes at any time of the year. Some of these changes were started a couple of months ago. Some are just starting because I now have the energy for them. What changes would you like to see for yourself this coming year? What brings you joy and would enrich your life?

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